Transform any text material into spoken audio for pronunciation and speech exercises

Students can listen to authentic speech models, record own voice for comparison and receive immediate feedback

Boosts your students’ confidence in speaking a foreign language

How to incorporate Sanako Pronounce to your language teaching?

Teachers can monitor, evaluate, and collect their students’ pronunciation practice in a classroom environment with Pronounce Classroom

Your school can distribute the online version, Pronounce Live, for all students for self-study

Your school can use Pronounce as a stand-alone solution or include it as a module to Sanako Study

How does Sanako Pronounce work?

Understands spoken language

Combines the latest text-to-speech technology with voice recognition.


Instant feedback

Pronounce analyzes speech and will automatically score students’ performance.


Practice pronunciation with authentic tone

You can add premium voice packages to give students the opportunity to model real authentic pronunciation.