Manjrasoft is focused on the creation of innovative software technologies for simplifying the development and deployment of applications on private or public Clouds. Our product Aneka plays the role of Application Platform as a Service for Cloud Computing. Aneka supports various pr
Aneka Cloud Computing Task Thread Mapreduceogramming models involving Task Programming, Thread Programming and MapReduce Programming and tools for rapid creation of applications and their seamless deployment on private or public Clouds to distribute applications.
Aneka technology primarily consists of two key components:
SDK (Software Development Kit) containing application programming interfaces (APIs) and tools essential for rapid development of applications. Aneka APIs supports three popular Cloud programming models: Task, Thread, and MapReduce; and
A Runtime Engine and Platform for managing deployment and execution of applications on private or public Clouds.
One of the notable characteristics of Aneka PaaS is to support provisioning of private cloud resources ranging from desktops, clusters to virtual datacenters using VMWare, Citrix Zen server and public cloud resources such as Windows Azure, Amazon EC2, and GoGrid Cloud Service.
The potential of Aneka as a Platform as a Service has been successfully harnessed by its users and customers in three various sectors including engineering, life science, education, and business intelligence

Highlights of Aneka
Business Value
- Improved reliability
- Simplicity
- Faster time to value
- Operational Agility
- Definite application performance enhancement
- Optimizing the capital expenditure and operational expenditure
All these features make Aneka a winning solution for enterprise customers in the Platform-as-a-Service scenario
Technical Value
- Support of multiple programming and application environments
- Simultaneous support of multiple run-time environments
- Rapid deployment tools and framework
- Simplicity in developing applications on Cloud
- Dynamic Scalability
- Ability to harness multiple virtual and/or physical machines for accelerating application result
- Provisioning based on QoS/SLA
Aneka Architecture
Aneka is a platform and a framework for developing distributed applications on the Cloud. It harnesses the spare CPU cycles of a heterogeneous network of desktop PCs and servers or datacenters on demand. Aneka provides developers with a rich set of APIs for transparently exploiting such resources and expressing the business logic of applications by using the preferred programming abstractions. System administrators can leverage on a collection of tools to monitor and control the deployed infrastructure. This can be a public cloud available to anyone through the Internet, or a private cloud constituted by a set of nodes with restricted access.
The Aneka based computing cloud is a collection of physical and virtualized resources connected through a network, which are either the Internet or a private intranet. Each of these resources hosts an instance of the Aneka Container representing the runtime environment where the distributed applications are executed. The container provides the basic management features of the single node and leverages all the other operations on the services that it is hosting. The services are broken up into fabric, foundation, and execution services. Fabric services directly interact with the node through the Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL) and perform hardware profiling and dynamic resource provisioning. Foundation services identify the core system of the Aneka middleware, providing a set of basic features to enable Aneka containers to perform specialized and specific sets of tasks. Execution services directly deal with the scheduling and execution of applications in the Cloud.

One of the key features of Aneka is the ability of providing different ways for expressing distributed applications by offering different programming models; execution services are mostly concerned with providing the middleware with an implementation for these models. Additional services such as persistence and security are transversal to the entire stack of services that are hosted by the Container. At the application level, a set of different components and tools are provided to: 1) simplify the development of applications (SDK); 2) porting existing applications to the Cloud; and 3) monitoring and managing the Aneka Cloud.
A common deployment of Aneka is presented at the side. An Aneka based Cloud is constituted by a set of interconnected resources that are dynamically modified according to the user needs by using resource virtualization or by harnessing the spare CPU cycles of desktop machines. If the deployment identifies a private Cloud all the resources are in house, for example within the enterprise. This deployment is extended by adding publicly available resources on demand or by interacting with other Aneka public clouds providing computing resources connected over the Internet.